Errors of order arrangement Ethereum with Python-Binance library
As a developer who is interested in trading with blockchain ethereum using Python and Binance Library, you may encounter a problem when trying to place orders. In this article, we will examine why ordering orders can be challenging and we will provide possible solutions.
Why is there a mistake?
After examining various cases, the main reason for the error appears to be the way the “PlaceORDER” function works internally. The library uses the Binance API endbook “ORDERBAPIP ‘to place the order, but this API ending point has changed from its original implementation. Specifically, the terminal point is “Orderbookapiendpoint and should not be used.
The Python-Vinance "Pytoner" function relies on the older version of the "Orderbookapi" Binance API. This feature was outdated in favor of a new endpoint entitled "Get_order_Book_by_ticker, which provides similar functionality, but with some other features and improvements. However, it seems that this newer end point is not yet supported by the library.
If you want to deal with the problem, you can use the “client.get_server_timeto load the current UTC time from the API on the Binance side side, and then hand over this value as an argument" Placender ". This allows your code to place orders on the blockchain ethereum using Python-Binance.
Here is the implementation of the sample:
from binance.client Import Client
Def Get_Server_time ():
client = client ()
Return Client.get_Server_time ()
client = client ()
server_time = get_server_time ()
Print (F “Server Time: {server_time}”)
Place_order = client.Placedord (
symbol = “etusd”,
page = “Buy”,
amount = 100,
Type = “Limit”
Other problems and potential solutions:
Although this working year would have a problem solving when placing orders, there may be other problems that are not immediately obvious. Some possible other solutions to be considered:
* Check the Binance API documentation: Check the API Binance API documentation to make sure you understand how the ending point ‘Orderbookap’ ending point works, and identify any potential changes or restrictions.
* Test the library thoroughly: Run a series of test cases to verify that your code works as expected, including testing different types of orders and parameters.
* Consider using alternative libraries: If you have persistent binary-binary GPS problems, you may want to explore other libraries that provide a more stable and more reliable approach to the Binance API.
By following these tips and adapting the above work period, you should be able to place orders on blockchain ethereum using python-breancia.