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Ethereum: Which specific node is searched in the Merkle tree? [duplicate]

About Merkle Tree Structure

Merkle trees are a data structure used to prove the validity of a set of transactions, where each node represents a block in the chain. In Ethereum, the Merkle tree is created by hashing each transaction and combining them into a single block using the Hash function. Each node in the tree stores the hash value of one or more transactions.

Search Algorithm for a Particular Node

To check if a particular transaction Transaction A exists in the Merkle tree, we need to follow these steps:

  • Generate a hash for transaction A: First, we generate a hash for each transaction in the set (for example, A, B, C, and D). We will use a SHA-256 hash function for this purpose.
  • Build the Merkle tree with hashes: Next, we build the Merkle tree by hashing the hash value of each transaction to create a new node in the tree. This process is repeated recursively until all transactions are included.

Here is an example implementation:

const getMerkleNode = (transactions) => {

const hashValues ​​​​​​= => crypto.createHash('sha256').update(transaction).digest());

const root = hashValues[0];

for (let i = 1; i < hashValues.length; i++) {

const child = crypto.createHash('sha256').update(hashValues[i]).digest();

root = crypto.subhash({ input: root, algorithm: 'SHA-256', length: 32 }).update(child).digest();


return root;


const getMerkleTree = (transactions) => {

const tree = [];

transactions.forEach((transaction) => {

let node = getMerkleNode([transaction]);

while (node.length > 0 && !tree.some((t) => t === transaction)) {

for (let i = 0; i < node.length; i++) {

if (node[i].length > 0) {







return tree;


const transactions = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'];

const merkleTree = getMerkleTree(transactions);

Checking for the existence of a transaction

Now that we have the Merkle tree, we can check if a particular transaction Transaction A exists by iterating through the tree and comparing it to the original transactions. Here’s how you can do it:

const checkTransaction = (transactions, targetTransaction) => {

const node = getMerkleNode([targetTransaction]);

return node.length > 0 && node[0].length === targetTransaction;


// Example usage:

console.log(checkTransaction(transactions, 'A')); // true

console.log(checkTransaction(transactions, 'E')); // false

In Conclusion

To implement a part of the Ethereum Merkle tree in JavaScript, you need to follow these steps:

  • Generate Hash: Compute hashes for all transactions using SHA-256.
  • Create Tree: Create the Merkle tree by hashing the hash value of each transaction to create new nodes recursively.

After creating the Merkle tree, you can check if a particular transaction exists by iterating through the tree and comparing it to the original transactions. This solution provides an efficient way to verify the validity of transactions in the Ethereum blockchain.

Additional Note: Please note that this is a simplified example and should not be used in production without proper auditing and security testing. In a real-world application, it may be appropriate to consider additional factors, such as node verification, transaction validation, and other security measures.

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